Seumas Milne, Wednesday September 12 2001
The Guardian
Our government has stolen from us the time to grieve.Vieques Support Campaign
Many organizations have developed written statements following the tremendous loss of lives and events of September 11th. As we struggle to come to terms with a time of heightened violence in our communities, city, nation and world, Third World Within -Peace Action Coalition is putting out this call for NO MORE LOST LIVES.
ABOUT THIRD WORLD WITHIN -PEACE ACTION COALITIONThird World Within - Peace Action Coalition (TWW-PAC) was initiated by the NYC Coalition Against Police Brutality (CAPB), in the aftermath of September 11th. TWW-PAC consists of over 20 NYC-based organizations run by & for People of Color -many that have worked together against police violence, the prison industrial complex, racism, xenophobia, homophobia/transphobia,sexism and other issues.ABOUT NOVEMBER 3RD -CALL FOR NATIONAL DAY OF ACTIONNYC-based People of Color organizations are calling on organizations and individuals around the country who agree with our guiding principles (see below) to use November 3rd as a day for unified actions -calling for NO MORE LOST LIVES -NO MORE RACISM -and NO MORE WAR.Because we see racial justice linked to every aspect of the aftermath of September 11th, we ask that all those organizing actions recognize the role and leadership of progressive formations of color in leading these struggles in the US. We also understand that different local/ community conditions will demand different types of actions. Please keep us informed if your organization/city are planning a November 3rd action. CALL FOR SOLIDARITYIn addition to letting the nation and world know that communities in New York City, most directly affected by the September 11 attacks are calling for peace, we hope that November 3 can be an opportunity for communities around the world to stand in solidarity with communities in New York resisting racism at home and militarism abroad. Please send your messages, statements, or letters of solidarity to Third World Within Peace Action Coalition at These messages will be read out and distributed at the New York No More Lost Lives Event.We will also collect them and send them to all participating organizations; and will try to have them placed on the website. TWW -PEACE ACTION COALITION'S GUIDING PRINCIPLESThe following summarizes Third World Within/Peace Action Coalition's concerns and analysis regarding September 11th and the aftermath:
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The V.S.C. is a member organization of
Third World Within - Peace Action Coalition
Join us on Saturday, November 10th at 1 P.M.
NSA Community Center
1514 Townsend Ave. Bronx, New York
(Between 172nd St. & Mt. Eden)
Take the IRT # 4 Lexington Avenue Subway Train to Mt. Eden