Stop Construction of Offshore U.S. Military Heliport!
Stop Destruction of Our Community, Our Environment!

Your Support Urgently Needed! Help Our Cause!

Cross-Pacific Solidarity!
Okinawa-Hawai'i Peace Mission/April 2000

At the invitation of "Hawai'i Okinawa Peace Network", we traveled to Hawai'i from April 13 to April 19. There we had a lot of wonderful oppotunities to present our view on the on-going U.S. military's off-shore air base construction plan in our community.
We were able to meet many people there who also have been continuously working for peace, military-free community and the environment for the future generation.
We are sending our gratitude to everyone warmly supported our tour!
Aloha! Mahalo!

Mashiki Tomi
Urashima Etsuko
Miyagawa Susumu

28 April 2000
for the solidarity with peoples who have been struggled to eliminate military bases from their communities!
Nago-Okinawa Peace Cyber Circle
Peece, Justice, Democracy for All!
Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan